Arhea is our research partner, with whom we have developed a long-term research plan that we execute and successfully adapt to unforeseen circumstances and events through collaboration.
We have been working together since 2019, and together, we have also developed an approach to conduct research at the airport, aiming to track passengers’ experiences on-site. As the airport operator, this has allowed us to genuinely understand our passengers for the first time and establish regular monitoring of their demographics and satisfaction levels. Additionally, we can always turn to Arhea whenever we have a specific business task or challenge that can be solved with the help of our passengers, who are our customers.
Naša spletna stran je skladna s 157. členom zakona ZEKom-1 in z zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov. Več o zakonodaji
Namen zakonodaje je zaščita osebnih podatkov, saj pri brskanju po spletu lahko pride do kršitve vaših pravic do zasebnosti.
Podrobnejše informacije o zasebnosti na spletu najdete na spletnih straneh Informacijskega pooblaščenca, kjer so pripravili odgovore na pogosta vprašanja povezana s sledenjem uporabnikov na spletu s pomočjo piškotkov.
Lastnik in skrbnik spletne strani je Arhea Solutio d.o.o., Kotnikova 32, 1000 Ljubljana.
Preberite si še več o Varnosti in zasebnosti na naši strani.